Sunday, November 18, 2012

Book Review: From Stage Fright to Spotlight

"Since I started my journey in becoming a speaker and being on many stages in Toronto and the United States. I have learned  had many lessons along the way. This book will assist you to avoid those pitfalls and become a dynamic and amazing speakers you truly are"  Jim Pagiamtzis


Every one has a story to tell, a story that could change lives. The unfortunate part is most of these stories will never be heard, because most people either think their story isn't important, or they just don't have the skill or confidence they need to stand up and speak in front of an audience to bring their story to life.

Everyone has had successes, failures, victories and challenges. Everyone has had happy, sad, ,hurt and angered. All you need to do is find the wisdom in the lessons you have gained from you life experience and share them with the world. Each of your journeys is unique, never before seen and never repeated. Start thinking of your daily activities as a series of lessons, and you will see that you wealth activities of information to share with this world. The world needs to hear your story, and we need to hear it from you.


#30 Use Sticky Notes to Help you Prepare

Here's a little trick I learned years ago that helps when preparing a talk or presentation. Get a pack of three-inch by three-inch sticky notes, then find a large, open space such as a door or a wall with no pictures on it.

On the first sticky note, write the objective of your talk or presentation and stick it on the wall or door in the top left corner. This will become a reference point for building the rest of the presentation.

Next, on separate sticky notes, write any idea that comes to mind about your presentation topic, without judgement as to its value or relevance, reference and anything else that come to mind and about the presentation. For each thought, place the sticky note on the wall. in whatever order your feel in should be placed.

When you're done you should have a space filled with sticky notes, each one thought written on it. Then walk away for twenty-four hours.

After twenty-four hours, come back to the space and review the material on the sticky notes. Look for anything that doesn't feel right or look right and place a small "x" on that note. so you can identify it later as something needing attention. Mark it with a question mark if you're not sure yet. Maybe something needs to be reworded or relocated somewhere else in the presentation. As you're reviewing, new ideas come to mind, so add them to the presentation wall.

Repeat this for a few days, always adding and moving things around. Try not to remove too much just yet. but if there are things that are not likely to fit in your presentation, move them to another spot, maybe another wall. Don't discard them. Will discuss that later.

So, what's the lesson? Use sticky notes to gather your creative ideas in one place an add to it every twenty-four hours. You'll be amazed at how much information you can come up with.


#43 Become a Better Listener of Life

It's amazing what you can learn, just by listening more! What should you listen for? Everything and anything! Most of us get so caught up in our own daily lives and our problems that we spend most of our mental time. solving those problems. We're worrying, strategizing and creating an image in our minds of what worst-case scenario that we spoke about in chapter on. Unfortunately , this pattern makes us oblivious to all the sensory input around us, there's great value in that sensory input!.

Watch Yanni performance of  "Nightingale " live on You Tube below

Steve Lowell

                                       Jim Pagiamtzis receiving book from Steve Lowell for book review

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